Saturday, February 18, 2012

Storytellers Tell Tales

Happy President's day weekend y'all. Yes you read that right y'all. This particular writer has joined the Hillbilly nation and I'm loving it. My radio is permanently on Wmzq (a country music station). No more Steak, Frites and glace for me, I have holidayed in the Snow Shoe mountains of West Virginia, I have heard the cupids shuffle, the electric slide and the cha cha more times than I care to remember, my local karaoke bar is a honky tonk bar.
Okay Maybe I exagerrate a bit, but all of the above is still true. What I left out is the part that I moved to the DC metro area so I am close to the city as well, but I still love my honky tonk existence.
The one thing I have learnt is to treat every journey in my life as an opportunity to learn and grow. I have always liked country music but I never thought I will understand what it means to be country.
I have to tell you as well, everyone here laughs at me when I say I am a hillbilly, they say they will take me serious when I can pronounce the word hillbilly without my peculiar accent.
Ever heard of hush puppies? I don't mean the shoes either! I'll tell you about those another day.
Stay country folks, stay country :)


  1. Hello!! Welcome back! Glad to see you a fussin n a fightin' n a lovin', hillbilly stylie!

    Ok - that was terrible - but yay, you're back!

    Happy President's Day weekend! Take care

  2. Wow, Joanna, where have you been?? I have missed you! So glad to see you back in blogland, hillbilly accent and all.

  3. LOL, glad to see you back on the blogosphere! I was in WVa last weekend skiing...was that you I knocked over on my way down the hill?

    And you go right ahead and be as hillbilly as you wanna long as you recognize that noone would ever mistake hushpuppies for shoes on a hillbilly, because, you know, we don't wear 'em!

  4. Hey! Glad to see you back! You were missed :)

  5. Good to see you back about these parts!

  6. I love some of the older Honky Tonk songs that you run across in karaoke bars but this girl is mostly rock and roll!!! I will remain a fan though! :) After all my family does have a lot of southern roots.

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  8. Hi Joanna, We have missed you. Glad you are well and enjoying being a hillbilly.


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